Luke 24: 3
Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. NKJV
Hello First Christian Church Family and Friends.
In April we celebrated Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and
Resurrection Day-Easter Sunday.
On Easter Sunday April 9th we looked at Mark 16: 1-8 NLT. The title of the
message was The “TOMB” is Empty.
Next, The Road to Emmaus gave us the message of Christs’ resurrection.
Mark 24: 13-25.
Then we read in scripture how Jesus suddenly appeared to his disciples who
were hiding in fear. Jesus said to them “Peace be with you”. We talked
about fear, and how through Jesus Christ we can have VICTORY over our
We will close the month of April looking at The “ASCENSION” of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
Fellowship is an important aspect of our Spiritual lives. Our Lunch/Brunch
will feature the tremendous cooks we have at First Christian Church. As
always there will be a wide variety of delicious food and desserts. We hope
you can attend.
Christianity is the ONLY religion where the leader, Jesus Christ, was
crucified, buried and resurrected from the dead. God invites you to accept
HIS SON Jesus Christ as your Savior. Don’t delay, today is the day of
Peace and Blessings!
Pastor Dennis J. Stitch