WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 09, 2023
First Christian Church of Charleroi
CHARLEROI UNITED METHODIST CLOTHING/SHOE DRIVE +TOWELS/WASHCLOTHS: Many in our area are in need of the above items. You maydelivery your items to the church on Thursdays from 11 AM –…
Lord, after the flood you showed us the rainbow as your promise to never againdestroy the world. But the world turned back to its wicked ways, so you sent yourson…
It’s April and I’m ready to offer my prayer to God. One thing I want to ask beforemy prayer begins: Do any of you say, “Good Morning, Jesus or God?”…
Luke 6:36 NIV"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Looking at the above scripture can challenge all of us in life to meet the Lord's expectation. Welike to receive…
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